


  • 职位空缺和薪资范围
  • 职业选择
  • 就业趋势


  • 程度上预科


  • 奖学金
  • 金融援助

Building Society’s Knowledge of the Past

Ph值.D. program in 历史 offers two areas of study: Historical Archeology and 历史.

The Historical Archaeology focus area is a collaborative degree offered between the 历史 and Anthropology programs. Students focusing on this field are expected to have already received an M.A. in anthropology or a closely related field — such as history — in addition to demonstrating a background in archaeological training. Students in the program will choose a main advisor from the Department of Culture, Society and Justice but will work with faculty in both CSJ and the 历史系. 历史考古学博士.D. program will provide students with well-rounded training for employment in academia, 文化资源管理, or federal or state archaeology programs.

Coursework for the Historical Archaeology program includes classes on Materiality & Human Cultures and Archaeological 历史, 伦理与理论, alongside Anthropology and 历史 graduate courses. Students are expected to have completed an archaeological field school or similar field work training prior to starting the program.

获得候选人资格, 学生必须做好准备, defend and submit an external grant proposal and present original research at a regional or national conference followed by the submission of their work for publication. Candidacy is not contingent on the success of either the grant or publication submissions.

目前, the 历史 field focuses on American, Pre-Modern Europe or Latin American history with thematic emphasis in visual and material culture, 性别与性研究, 关键种族研究, 法律史, cultural history and public history. Students applying to the program must have completed an M.A. 在历史或相关领域. Students work closely with their major professors to create a course of study that helps students develop research skills, 深化内容知识, gain familiarity with diverse historiographies, and communicate their ideas effectively.

Coursework includes a mix of historiographical colloquiums and research seminars, alongside more content-based directed studies with major professors.

获得候选人资格, students must pass three examinations focused on two geographical and one thematic field of study, as well as defend a dissertation proposal.

Please find detailed information about preparation, 应用程序, course of study and dissertation requirements in our 研究生手册.


  • Study with faculty members from both the history and anthropology departments
  • 利用 阿尔弗雷德·W. Bowers Laboratory of Anthropology
  • Close interaction with faculty who have a wide range of expertise
  • TA positions, scholarships and internships available
  • Work with the McClure Center curating exhibits with the 历史上的麦克卢尔 奖学金






电子邮件: history@shuguangprinting.com

网络: 历史系
