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生物多样性 & Landscaping

A sustainable campus is one that enhances the biodiversity and beauty of the land it occupies. The University of Idaho is committed to preserving the natural beauty of the Palouse region through native landscaping and restoring degraded landscapes. Explore our programs and projects on increasing biodiversity and sustainable landscaping.


自2006年起, 学生可持续发展合作社 has planted over 8,000 native trees and plants in the Palouse region! 每个月, volunteers with the SSC participate in the Get Rooted and Spruce the Palouse service series to restore the endangered 帕卢斯草原 by planting native trees, 社区中的灌木和地被物. 想要帮助保护本地生物多样性? Volunteer with the 学生可持续发展合作社.

In partnership with the 可持续发展办公室 and Facilities, the 365滚球官网高尔夫球场 is seeking recognition for environmental protection and natural heritage preservation on our golf course through the 奥杜邦合作庇护计划(ACSP). This certification program requires action in areas including Site Assessment and Environmental Planning, 野生动物及生境管理, 减少化学品使用和安全, 节约用水, Water Quality Management and Outreach and Education.

  • 森林苗圃中心 & 苗的研究
  • Arboretum
  • 授花粉器项目 & 伊利诺伊大学示范园
  • 本地传粉者花园
    • As part of the 学生可持续发展合作社’s Sustainable Initiative Fund, a group of students planted a native pollinator garden to attract native pollinators to the area. Native pollinators are important because they have evolved alongside the native plants, making them more efficient and effective at pollination.
    • The garden is located on the east end of Guy Wicks Field along Paradise Path. In 2021, another SSC student project replanted the garden with new native species including Jessica’s aster, 爱达荷州羊茅, 亚罗和其他几个人.
    • If you are interested in volunteering at the native pollinator garden, email ssc@shuguangprinting.com

PCEI connects people with the land through programs that encourage sustainable living, experiential learning and opportunities that serve our community while actively protecting and restoring local natural resources. U of I和PCEI相互支持, whether it be through hosting events together or providing student internships. 了解更多关于PCEI的信息 here

寻找当地的帕卢斯植物? PCEI’s John Crock Learning Nursery sells many native shrubs and trees that can be used in restoration projects or landscaping. Visit the 约翰克罗克学习幼儿园网站 for plant availability and information on purchasing. 

PCEI & 沿着天堂溪的大学修复

The University of Idaho is a proud affiliate of 美国蜜蜂校园, a certification awarded by the Xerces社会. 作为认证的蜜蜂校园, the University of Idaho is working to conserve native pollinator species by increasing native plant sites and reducing the use of pesticides in landscaping. 了解更多关于美国蜜蜂校园的信息.

The University of Idaho is recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus in Higher Education. 植树节基金会, a conservation nonprofit organization that focuses on tree health and abundance, recognized our commitment to making campus more livable, 通过优先种植树木来实现健康和美丽. Becoming a Tree Campus includes a more concerted effort to improve upon and increase the University of Idaho’s campus tree cover and overall health of green spaces. The certification is managed by the Tree Campus Committee, 由伊利诺伊大学的教职员工组成, 教职员及学生, 以及外部社区利益相关者. Learn more about the Tree Campus Higher Education recognition.


随着人类社会的发展和繁荣, urbanization has turned most of the earth’s native ecosystems into fragmented, highly manicured landscapes that are no longer able to support functioning ecosystems and wildlife. Urban development has greatly decreased biodiversity and has led to an unprecedented pace of extinction of flora and fauna globally. Our own native 帕卢斯草原 has less than 1% of its original habitat remaining, making it one of the most endangered ecosystems in the United States. Maintaining biodiversity and native ecosystems is essential to the fabric of life, 因为它们支撑着我们呼吸的空气, 我们喝的水和种植食物的土壤. As we lose biodiversity, we lose the foundation that supports life on earth.


The University of Idaho has a responsibility to maintain the health of ecosystems on and around campus, 并帮助恢复原生的帕卢斯草原. We will continue to work to integrate native plants to our campus landscape and to participate in regional projects that focus on ecosystem preservation and restoration. Vandals can join our efforts to maintain biodiversity by volunteering with the 学生可持续发展合作社, 或者与当地组织合作,比如 帕卢斯-清水环境研究所 and the 帕卢斯土地信托.

Vandals who live off campus can also contribute by planting native plants in their own yards. 本地植物有很多好处, 包括减少化肥和农药的使用, 少用水, 支持传粉者, 为野生动物提供住所和食物, 攒钱, 促进对土地的管理. 莫斯科市居民可以参加 Wisescape程序, which is a rebate program for those who design their landscape with the local climate and water efficiency in mind.  

犹他大学植物园 & 植物园

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Franklin H. 皮特金森林苗圃

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Email: uofi-sustainability@shuguangprinting.com
