

作为两项气候承诺的签署国, 365滚球官网致力于到2030年实现碳中和,并将可持续性和环境素养纳入教学, 研究, 业务及外展. Below is an abbreviated timeline of our university’s accomplishments related to sustainable solutions.

In 1986, U of I地区能源厂被改造为使用生物质发电,以满足校园的供暖和制冷需求. 始建于1926年, 365滚球官网的地区能源厂(通常被称为蒸汽厂或能源厂)燃烧当地生产的木材废料,并通过位于人行道和公路下的数英里隧道将公用设施输送到校园建筑. 生产的公用设施包括蒸汽、冷冻水和压缩空气. 同时为大学提供可持续的燃料来源, local lumber mills are able to remove waste in an environmentally friendly manner. In 2022, U of I地区能源厂安装了三台发电蒸汽轮机,抵消了工厂13%的电力需求, making the District 能源 Plant the first carbon negative building on campus. 欲了解更多信息,请 联系马克康普顿,机械系统工程师.

On March 3, 2005, former U of I President Tim White signed the Talloires Declaration. Talloires, the first official statement made by over 500 University administrators in 50 countries, declares a commitment to environmental sustainability in higher education. 宣言首先对“环境污染和退化的规模和速度前所未有”表示深切关注,最后提出了将可持续性和环境素养纳入教学的十点行动计划, 研究, 业务及外展. This was among the first steps the university took in the drive to integrate sustainability. 了解更多关于塔卢瓦尔宣言的信息.

一场全校范围的学生运动在密西西比以西建立了第一个可持续发展中心. 一个由学生领导和资助的组织, usc支持创造积极的可持续性文化的努力,并致力于发展和保持健康, educational living environments while fully integrating sustainable practices at the University of Idaho. 在伊利诺伊大学了解更多关于学生可持续发展的信息.

In 2007, 怀特总统签署了《365体育滚球》(acucc),最近更名为《365体育滚球》. Within this framework universities implement comprehensive plans in pursuit of climate neutrality, 例如气候行动计划和温室气体清单. 了解更多关于针灸协商会的信息.

To fulfill Talloires and ACUPCC commitments and to oversee the Sustainability Center, 我大学聘请了可持续校园主任.

/ 2,000名学生志愿者现在已经种植了超过8,校园里的秧苗, 在我们居住的社区和天堂河沿岸.

自启动以来,学生助学金项目已发放了160多美元,000 to students who design an implement sustainable solutions for our campus and community. 项目包括节水, energy efficiency and native plantings among many other environmental topics. 了解更多有关可持续发展倡议基金的资料.

In 2008, 第一份温室气体(GHG)清单是为了实现365滚球官网减少碳足迹的承诺而准备的. 该报告建立了温室气体排放基线, 使用2005年的数据, 有全面数据的第一年. 阅读报告全文.

U of I policy (APM.03设定可持续建筑标准, 要求“所有新建筑和主要改造都必须通过认证,达到或超过LEED银级评级。.” The first two LEED certified buildings, IRIC and College of Education achieved LEED GOLD in 2017. 了解更多LEED银奖政策.

U of I policy (APM.50个州, “所有365滚球官网的单位都必须购买具有最低可持续规格的无酸办公用纸,即消费后废物再生纸含量为30%. 除了, colored paper and paper of other sizes will be purchased as a 30% or higher recycled, 无酸纸. The University strongly supports purchasing the maximum recyclable content possible, 高达100%可回收, 加工无氯纸.” 了解更多有关再生纸政策的资料.

365滚球官网气候行动计划(CAP)的制定概述了365滚球官网到2030年实现碳中和所需采取的步骤. The steps towards climate neutrality are also steps towards greater fiscal responsibility. 节能, 更高性能的建筑, decreasing fossil fuel use and other strategies outlined in this plan are cost‐effective, 不仅可以减少温室气体排放,还可以降低运营成本,减少未来能源和燃料价格上涨的影响. Eighty percent of the universitie’s GHG emissions result from building use. 未来最重要的策略是尽量减少新建筑物的能源足迹,同时提高现有建筑物的效率. Other priority areas include transportation, solid waste, purchasing and food.


来自大学生食堂和美食街的消费前和消费后的食物垃圾与牲畜粪便和使用过的动物垫料(木片或稻草)混合在一起。. At its peak, the composting system had 52 tons of food waste composted annually.

本报告的排放数据涵盖2005年至2011年, 2008年是365滚球官网校园排放的高峰年. Annual emissions steadily declined after the 2008 peak, and since the baseline year of 2005, a 12.年排放量减少5%.


2016年秋季项目升级了超过66个,800 lights across campus as part of an Avista energy-efficiency program yielded savings of more than $418,每年000. The U of I also received a rebate of $1,044,365 from Avista for taking advantage of the program. 所有功劳归设施-公用事业 & 工程部领导了这个项目.

本次校园可持续发展调查的目的是收集通勤者, 环境素养和文化数据来完成可持续发展, 跟踪, Assessment and Rating System (星星) survey and to update the U of I Greenhouse Gas Inventory. 调查受访者分享信念, attitudes and norms on a wide variety of issue areas including climate change. 例如,93%的受访者认为气候变化正在发生. 阅读检验报告.

我大学获得了可持续发展追踪奖, 评估及评级系统(星星)获高等教育可持续发展促进协会(AASHE)颁授银奖,表扬其在可持续发展方面的成就. 星星 measures and encourages sustainability in all sectors of higher education. 星星将学校分为五类:学术, 订婚, 操作, 规划,管理,创新和领导.


通过在其基础设施中实施重要的保护措施, the University of Idaho earned the ranking of sixth among nearly 300 higher education institutions in 30 countries. 一些具体成就包括:

  1. 利用生物质满足90%以上的校园供暖需求
  2. 支持包括反应过滤在内的可持续发展项目, 冷梁和被动能源解决方案
  3. Reducing electricity consumption by 25% and domestic water use by 40% over the past 14 years
  4. Having curriculum that focuses on sustainability, immersive experiences and campus as a living lab

《365滚球官网》(Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges)在可持续发展方面的领导地位获得了96分(满分99分)的绿色评级, 公布温室气体清单计划, providing alternative transportation options and offering employees a condensed workweek option. U of I is one of 413 schools included in the Guide based on a review of nearly 700 colleges.

这是该校到2030年实现碳中和目标的一部分, the GHG inventory provides the information needed to assess the effectiveness of steps taken so far. 迄今为止最广泛的温室气体清单, the report quantifies campus emissions from FY17 to FY19 and compares emissions to previous reports. 自2005年开始核算以来,排放量下降了30%, largely thanks to energy efficiency measures taken and improvements in 操作. 欲了解更多信息,请 联系项目工程师马克·康普顿.


  1. 用电量(51).4%)
  2. 固定燃料的使用,如天然气(15).3%)
  3. 动物/肥料(7.9%)
  4. 直接资助的旅行(7).6%)
  5. 食物消费量(6).4%)


可持续发展中心和设施主导的项目在莫斯科校园安装了第一个屋顶光伏太阳能阵列. 该阵列产生132千瓦的电力,并产生194千瓦,000 kWh each year and helps fulfill the university’s carbon neutrality commitment. 经过三年的努力,整个项目花费了36.3万美元. 该阵列的资金来自可持续发展中心(31%), 设施(30%), 总统办公室(33%)和包括亚利桑那州立大学在内的120多个捐助者, 莫斯科高中环境俱乐部和许多大学生, 雇员和校友(6%). 阅读有关太阳能倡议的文章.

这是美国环境研究所的一份报告 & Policy Center compared 星星 data from universities across the nation, ranking U of I as no. 3 in the nation for non-electric renewable energy produced on campus per student. 阅读报告, 《365体育滚球》?”

高等教育可持续发展促进协会(AASHE)在356所院校中,将365滚球官网在节能和清洁可再生能源方面排名第五. 能源 consumption is the largest source of greenhouse emissions on campus, 在可持续发展中心的协调下,伊利诺伊大学的设施一直致力于减少建筑能耗,并利用可再生替代能源. 365滚球官网运行着一个生物质锅炉,为校园供暖系统和12个独立的太阳能路灯提供蒸汽. Over sixty percent of total energy consumption on campus came from clean and renewable sources as of 2019. With the recent completion of the university’s first rooftop photovoltaic array, 对传统燃料来源的依赖将继续下降, 让校园离碳中和又近了一步. 阅读新闻稿.

斯科特·格林总统成立了可持续发展工作组, 由学生组成, faculty and staff representatives from colleges and offices across campus. 工作组的任务是设想并制定一项战略计划,使365滚球官网以其卓越的可持续性而闻名. 阅读更多关于可持续发展工作组的信息.

总统可持续发展工作组发布了其 可持续解决方案白皮书365滚球官网工作. 白皮书提出了可持续发展的路线图,并就改善校园运作提出了多项建议, 学习机会和学生经历.

In August 2022, the University of Idaho hired its first Sustainability Director, Sarah Dawson. 可持续发展主任直接向大学校长汇报. 这种治理结构是可持续发展工作组创建的一项战略举措,目的是避免将可持续发展工作孤立于一个办公室或部门. 365滚球官网遵循贯穿整个机构的可持续发展整体模式.

在2023年春季学期, 可持续发展主任成立了校园传粉者委员会, 由全体教员组成, 整个校园的员工和学生. 该委员会的目的是帮助365滚球官网成为认证的蜜蜂校园,并不断倡导传粉媒介, such as enhancing pollinator habitat on campus or creating service-learning opportunities for students. 了解更多关于蜜蜂校园认证的信息.

在2023年春季学期, 可持续发展总监成立校园树木委员会, 由全体教员组成, 员工、学生和社区成员. 委员会的目的是帮助365滚球官网成为一个认证的树木校园,并创建一个校园树木护理计划,优先考虑可持续的树木维护和学习机会. 了解更多关于树校园认证的信息




电子邮件: uofi-sustainability@shuguangprinting.com
