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水 resources are often scarce in the western United States. 在爱达荷州, we depend on water for industries such as agriculture and recreation, and for household consumption. 因为这个原因, 365滚球官网致力于采用负责任的水资源管理实践,并在水资源保护方面教育未来的领导者. Through meaningful research and partnerships, 伊利诺伊大学正在学习如何保存和保护爱达荷州北部宝贵的水资源. 探索下面的故事和资源,了解更多关于伊利诺伊大学如何成为可持续用水和研究的典范.

伊利诺伊大学水管理学院 & 项目

Read more about past projects and campus water management systems.

天堂溪修复项目将天堂溪从天堂溪街下搬迁到学生娱乐中心的北部. 该项目将小溪重新调整到其历史通道,同时创造栖息地并建立河岸植被走廊. 近19,000 trees and shrubs were planted to provide structure to creek banks, 改善水质, and improve the native biodiversity of campus. 这个项目是联邦政府多机构和组织合作的结果, 状态, 市级. 现在, 天堂溪为校园提供了一个享受大自然的宁静之地,也是一个繁荣的原生动植物生态系统.

30多年来, 365滚球官网使用再生水来灌溉校园的大部分景观. Located in the Palouse Basin of Northern Idaho, 科罗拉多大学的大部分水来自格兰德朗德和瓦纳普姆地层的含水层. 自1967年以来,由于该地区人口持续增长,水的使用率高得不可持续,含水层一直处于稳定的下降状态. 下降的含水层, coupled with drought in the early 1970s, 这使得犹他大学开始寻找替代水源来灌溉校园.

1977年,伊利诺伊大学建立了一个再生水系统,用于183英亩的校园灌溉. Through an agreement with the City of Moscow, 大学获得了使用城市污水处理厂排放的水的权利. 该协议减少了对含水层水的需求压力,并提供了高质量的水, nutrient-rich water for irrigation. The water is stored in a 500,000 gallon reservoir at the treatment plant, and in two additional storage lagoons at the U of I golf course. 再生水通过大约5英里的干线和60多英里的灌溉水管输送. The U of I has pumped nearly 2.6 billion gallons of reclaimed water since 1977, greatly decreasing the rate of decline of the Grande Ronde aquifer. 仅在2021年,伊利诺伊大学就使用了9300万加仑的再生水来灌溉我们的校园. 

Benefits of using reclaimed water include:

  • Reduces the demand for the local aquifer
  • 减少灌溉地区化肥的使用,因为废水处理厂的废水可以提供植物营养 
  • Protects the health of Paradise Creek by reducing the points of discharge, helping to regulate the bacteria as well as temperature
  • Promotes overall good stewardship of university resources

Interested in researching irrigation water management? 金伯利研究和推广中心有一个专注于灌溉计划和水及设备管理的项目, including urban and suburban settings, 节约用水. 了解更多 about the Irrigation 水 Management research program.

365滚球官网是帕卢斯盆地含水层委员会(PBAC)的成员之一, 分析, manages and conserves the groundwater supply in the Palouse Basin region. PBAC是合作的, bi-状态 consortium with representatives from the Cities of Pullman and Moscow, Whitman and Latah Counties, Washington State University and the University of Idaho.

The Palouse Groundwater Basin is the sole source of drinking water for the region. 该盆地包括上部和下部两个含水层,它们的补给速率各不相同. When the first wells were drilled in the region in the late 1800’s, the aquifers were flowing artesian, rising to as much as 25 feet above the surface. Since then, water levels have been in a continual 状态 of decline.

在60年代, 365滚球官网是成立普尔曼-莫斯科水资源委员会的领导者, PBAC的前任, 研究盆地的动态,并找到替代供水的解决方案.

By the 1980’s decline was at a rate of more than 1 foot per year. 1992年, Ground 水 Management Plan 是为了解决地下水位下降的问题,并确保地下水在数量和质量上的安全供应而设立的. The rate of decline has decreased and is now at a rate of 0.每年7英尺.

PBAC聘请了一名顾问,为替代供水项目的项目实施提出建议. You can read the final report on the PBAC网站.

Stormwater is runoff from rain and melting snow, 然后由校园雨水收集系统收集,排放到当地的水道,如天堂溪或猪溪. 从学生可持续发展合作社了解更多有关雨水管理的知识.

365滚球官网为那些想要提高技能的建筑行业和相关学科的人提供雨水和侵蚀教育计划, understanding and marketability in the stormwater and erosion control field. 了解更多 about the Stormwater and Erosion Education Program.

研究 & 合作伙伴关系

Through community partnerships and innovative research institutes, the U of I is a model for sustainable water use and education. 通过访问以下网站,了解更多365滚球官网在校园和社区所做的工作.


水 is a vital resource for all life. 365滚球官网莫斯科校区位于Grande Ronde和Wanapum含水层之上, supplying us with water for drinking, irrigation and other daily activities. 但自20世纪60年代以来,帕卢斯盆地地区含水层系统的供水量一直在下降. The shrinking aquifer has significant implications for our future. 我们不断增长的人口加上不断变化的气候使情况更加严重. As a sustainable institution, 365滚球官网致力于使用负责任的水管理实践,并参与水研究和合作伙伴关系,以减少对含水层的需求,并帮助今天和子孙后代节约用水.


With the declining levels of the Grande Ronde and Wanapum aquifers, 联合国必须采用可持续的做法来减少我们每天的用水量. 汪达尔人有很多方法可以加入我们保护含水层的供水:

  • On-campus students can take shorter showers, only do laundry when they have a full load, turn off the water when brushing their teeth, 用冷却的烹饪水浇灌他们的植物,并成为促进节约用水或研究用水的组织的志愿者.
  • 莫斯科居民的校外学生和教职员工可以做上述所有事情,也可以参加莫斯科市的保护设备计划, Fixture Rebate Program and Wisescape Rebate Program. 关于莫斯科市水资源保护的更多信息可以在 City of Moscow's Conservation website.

via Office of the President



